The Blog — thoughts

Setting Up Your Studio, Part 1:
Location Matters

Sarah Steininger Leroux

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Setting Up Your Studio, Part 1:<br/> Location Matters

UPDATE: Sarah is teaching a workshop on Monday, December 5th, 2022 about setting up your own home studio. She'll be addressing all the information that's not covered in this blog post, and answering everyone's questions. If you're in Seattle, take a look! You’ve been taking classes for a while and you love it. So much, in fact, that you’re starting to think about setting up a little studio or workspace in that spare bedroom/garage/basement/shed/un-used corner/closet. Congratulations! One of the most common questions I get from students at this stage is how to set up a home workspace for clay, and...

Completing the Craft Circle

Steve Leroux

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Completing the Craft Circle

We don't really make much money on gallery sales. There's a few reasons for that: First and most importantly, we pay a 60% commission on most work we sell. We know how hard it is to make a living as an independent artist, and we believe our artists deserve the biggest slice of the pie. But that remaining 40% has to stretch a long way: it costs about $200 per day to keep the gallery staffed; shipping costs can eat another 10% - 20% of the sales price; there's the labor to inventory and photograph and store and display and rearrange and...

Why We Love

Steve Leroux

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Why We Love

There are some objects in our lives that we hold onto more dearly than others. But what makes them special? What is the process by which an inanimate lump finds a place in your heart?

Words On A Mission

Steve Leroux

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Words On A Mission

Here's our mission statement:

"Saltstone Ceramics is a place where everyone is welcomed to discover a meaningful connection with a creative working community."

We've thought a lot about that sentence, and how each word reflects and inspires our values. Read on to learn more.