Make-A-Mug with Maria, May 11th

Make-A-Mug with Maria, May 11th
Make-A-Mug with Maria, May 11th

Hosted May 11th, 12-3pm

Make your own mug without the need for a potters wheel! Whether you make something special for yourself or for a loved one, impress them with something handmade. Maria will teach you how make a mug and guide you through rolling and preparing a clay slab, along how to cut and assemble your slabs to make one-of-a-kind ceramic mugs. All tools and materials will be provided.

Workshop will be in-person hosted at Saltstone Ceramics in the Wallingford Neighborhood of Seattle. This workshop is appropriate for all levels of experience with clay and is open to students 15 and older. All firing services are included in the cost, and instructor will glaze your pieces for you.

Maria is a sculptor, printmaker, photographer, and ceramic artist hailing from the clay-caked deserts of New Mexico. She is a certificated public school art teacher, long-time experiential educator, and critical scholar with a masters in social justice education. In each class she teaches, she brings undeniable spunk and a dedication to listening to and welcoming her students. In her own clay practice, she draws inspiration from printmaking techniques, Raku, and the inimitable colors and forms of the land that raised her. She also loves 90s R&B, snorkeling, foraging for fungi and orchids, eating bagels, speaking Spanish, and doubling over with laughter.

Workshop registration is time/class-specific and is non-refundable. We no longer provide refunds for COVID-19. If you can't attend your workshop, we encourage you to give your spot to a friend.

If giving as a gift, please provide the contact information for the recipient in the purchase form.
Regular price $130.00

If you're giving this class as a gift and want to keep it a surprise, use your own contact info here. If you need to provide separate contact info for more than one student, add the classes to your cart one at a time.

This item might be in high demand.
In-demand items can sell out quickly. Remember that adding a product to your cart doesn't take it out of our inventory; you'll need to complete your purchase to confirm that the product or class is still available and then it's yours.

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