Saltstone will be CLOSED from 12/24 - 01/01 for the holidays!

Seattle High School Students

Nathan Hale High School (part of Seattle Public Schools) beginning and advanced ceramics artists are thrilled to participate in Queer and Dear Say It Louder at Saltstone Ceramics.

These students, who all identify as LGBTQ+ artists, have made a variety of pieces over their time in the clay studio at Hale. There are a variety of hand-built forms using pinch pots, slabs and coils, plus some wheel thrown work. These young artists are learning a lot concerning the uses of underglaze, glaze, and sgraffito and all the wonders of working with the ceramic medium.

Participating artists: Ailsa Nash, Berry Jones, Cameryn Winters-Walsh, Celestine Caplan, Kay Taylor, Sally Hoy

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