Holey Walnut Cheese Board by Ruby Pear Woodworks

Holey Walnut Cheese Board by Ruby Pear Woodworks
Holey Walnut Cheese Board by Ruby Pear Woodworks
Holey Walnut Cheese Board by Ruby Pear Woodworks
Title: Large With Hole
Holey Walnut Cheese Board by Ruby Pear Woodworks
Title: Medium With Hole
Holey Walnut Cheese Board by Ruby Pear Woodworks
Title: Small With Hole

The most beautiful pieces of walnut are set aside from Ruby Pear's furniture shop to make these one-of-a-kind cheeseboards.  

Small: about 6" by 10" - 12"
Medium: about 7" - 8" by 11" - 14"
Large: about 7" - 8" by 14" - 16"

Regular price $65.00

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