Getting Curious with Flameware Pots, with Ale from AleClayLab. July 12th and 13th from 12pm - 3pm

Getting Curious with Flameware Pots, with Ale from AleClayLab. July 12th and 13th from 12pm - 3pm
Getting Curious with Flameware Pots, with Ale from AleClayLab. July 12th and 13th from 12pm - 3pm
Getting Curious with Flameware Pots, with Ale from AleClayLab. July 12th and 13th from 12pm - 3pm

Join us for a two-day workshop exploring the unique properties of Flameware clay, designed for stovetop cooking. This hands-on class will introduce techniques for working with this specialized clay body while guiding you through the creation of your own lidded pot.

Your instructor Ale will guide you through the process of coil building, trimming, and attaching handles to make your own flame safe lidded pot! Flameware clay is special, it isn't like most clay as it can resist thermal shock better than any other clay out there, so if you want to try your hand with it I suggest giving it a go with Ale!

Quote from the artists:
"I create pots that reflect my deep connection with clay and the healing it brings to my life.

My journey began with a year of ceramics in Bogotá, Colombia. Though I pursued a different path, clay always called me back. What started as a hobby became a passion, leading me to establish my home studio, where I explore materials, refine techniques, and push creative boundaries.

I craft pots for daily rituals, enriching the experience of cooking and sharing meals. Teaching allows me to share this journey, learn in community, and connect with others who share a love for clay."

This workshop is suitable for all skill levels, but recommended for students 18+.

This Workshop will be in-person hosted at Saltstone Ceramics in the Wallingford Neighborhood of Seattle. No prior clay experience needed as this workshop will cater to all skill levels. The materials will be provided on-site. All firing services are included in cost, and the studio will glaze your pieces in a clear for you.

Workshop registration is time/class-specific and is non-refundable. We no longer provide refunds for COVID-19. If you can't attend your workshop, we encourage you to give your spot to a friend.

If giving as a gift, please provide the contact information for the recipient in the purchase form.
Regular price $250.00

If you're giving this class as a gift and want to keep it a surprise, use your own contact info here. If you need to provide separate contact info for more than one student, add the classes to your cart one at a time.

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