Queer and Dear

Our 2nd annual Queer and Dear art show is a celebration of the diverse voices that keep our community strong and growing. From our esteemed curator, Coco Spadoni:
Clay is a powerful medium with diverse attributes; elasticity, fluidity, resilience, strength, and expansiveness. It can be both brilliantly delicate or substantially hearty. As the curator of Saltstone Ceramic’s second annual exhibition, Queer and Dear, I see these same characteristics in our vast and interconnected queer communities. Therefore the work chosen for this exhibition intentionally highlights and celebrates the diverse range of work and identities within the LGBTQIA+ community.
We're proud to present more than 250 pieces of pottery from 16 queer artists for this show. We've filled our big beautiful windows with all this gorgeous art, so you can safely drive or walk by and enjoy this fantastic art show. (And since there's a little more work than we can fit in our windows, be sure to come by every few weeks to see what's new!)
We'd love to see your photos when you visit! Tag us with @saltstoneceramics and #queeranddear.
And shop online by clicking below...